Install The Advanced OLM

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Install the Advanced OLM


In the previous topic "Before Installing the OLM" explained how to create a database on your hosting and copying the OLM files to your server. If you followed the steps correctly you must have the following scheme of folders and files on your server:




- In addition to the new files corresponding to the 6.x version, we have also included the files of the previous version v5.x with the scripts advancedolm.php , genkey5lib.php and avlocks5_inc.php.  Installation of these old files is optional, only if you want to use it. If so, before uploading the script to your site, you must edit the configuration section of the script avlocks5_inc.php with your own data and the script genkey5lib.php replacing the encryption key "xyz321" with your own encryption key. For more details see the section The Online License Manager (OLM).


- The new version 6.x comes with the scripts advolm.php, simplelib.php, install.php,  dev.php and conf.php. These scripts should be uploaded to a folder on your web site, then run the install.php script. For example if your website is and uploaded the scripts to /public_html/myolm, access from your browser with the following url:

It will display the following form where you should enter configuration data:




Below you can see the same screen with the entered data:


In Database-Hosting is normally used localhost. When creating the MySQL database with cPanel, it is good practice to assign the user name matching the name of the database. After clicking SUBMIT you will see the following message:


Congratulations! Installation completed successfully. As a security measure you must remove the install.php file.


This informs that the installation has been made successfully and suggest to delete the install.php file as a security measure.


For testing purpose we installed the OLM at please use it to do your practice.





I tried to make this help as clear and complete as possible, however they may have some issues not covered by this documentation. If you think I have missed something, or found errors, or have any idea that might be useful to improve this help, please let me know.


  Alcides Valega

Author of AVLock SIMPLE