Register it for free

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Create your Account and Register AVLock For Free

The first thing to do is enter the AV-SOFT subscription site Below you can see its home page:



Here are two buttons; one that takes you to the documentation page and other "Get It For Free" that leads to the product page shown below:




Here, for the free version has two buttons, one labeled "Register For Free" which allows you to register as a user for free for 90 days, and another that lets you download the free version of the component.

You can download the free version and test the basic functionality of the component without registering, but if you register has the following advantages:

You can use the Dev-Panel.

You can use in testing the advanced options available in the Professional version using the OLM from the AV-SOFT site.

You can make inquiries and ask for support through the contact panel.


The Free version downloaded from here is functionally the same as the Standard version, but occasionally displays a warning message informing that it is a free version for not commercial purpose. The Standard version does not have this message.


By clicking "Register for free" you will be redirected to the login screen shown  below:



If you are a registered user must enter here your email address and password, but if you do not have an account you must click "Create Account" to create it, in this case you will see the following screen:



Here you must enter your data. Those with an asterisk (*) are required. Must also enter the number shown on the image below to check that you are not a bot. After clicking [Submit] will be sent an email to continue the registration process. The LOGIN form is shown again:


Before proceeding with this form you must go to your mailbox to confirm your request.

You will receive an email like the following:


Dear user,

Your registration request is ready to be applied with the following data:

First Name: xxxxxxx

Last Name : xxxxxxxx

Email : xxxxxxxxxx

Company : xxxxxxxxxxxx

Phone : xxxxxxxxx

Street : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

City : xxxxxxxxxxx

Zip : xxxx

State : xxxx

Country : xxxxxxxxxx

If you agree please click the following link to generate your account: . . . . .

After click an email will be sent to you with your account credentials.

Best regards,

The AVLock team.


Después de hacer click en el link, verá en el navegador el siguiente mensaje:

"Registration successfully applied.. An email has been sent to you with more details."

NOTA: En el caso de ya estar registrado con el email que introdujo, recibirá este otro mensaje:

"Registration can not be applied. . (Error: Email Already Exists). An email has been sent to you with more details."

Si la registración fue exitosa recibirá un nuevo email como el siguiente:


Dear user,

Your registration request has been successfully accomplished.

These are your license credentials:


Email :

Password : xxxxxx


Best regards,

The AVLock Team.



After clicking the link, you will see the following message in the browser:

"Registration successfully Applied .. An email has been sent to you with more details."

NOTE: If you are already registered with the entered email, you will receive this other message:

"Registration can not be applied. . (Error: Email Already Exists). An email has been sent to you with more details."

If the registration was successful will receive a new email like the following:


Dear user,

Your registration request has been successfully accomplished.

These are your license credentials:


Email :

Password : xxxxxx


Best regards,

The AVLock Team.


To continue the process must return to the LOGIN form, enter your email and password and click [Submit]. You will see the following screen:


After clicking [OK] will enter enter to your subscription page with your account details and links to downloads, renovations and upgrades:




I tried to make this help as clear and complete as possible, however they may have some issues not covered by this documentation. If you think I have missed something, or found errors, or have any idea that might be useful to improve this help, please let me know.


  Alcides Valega

Author of AVLock SIMPLE